dayevently (..cluding those attempts to get rid of me for the past 30yy?) on ending it's 500yy cycle monomulticurrencies frontline and on life threatening exponential grow of depression in developed countries;;; exponential grow of pollution, population in undeveloped countries, p......:::

Aircraft that are 37,000 years old. ... or how geochronology and ice dating are falling apart. A squadron of warplanes was left in Greenland from World War II. When they were recovered, it turned out that over 46 years, the planes had frozen into a 75-metre layer of ice. The funny thing is that scientists believe that the ice in Greenland grows at a rate of 1m per 500 years. So it turns out that according to scientists, the technique of less than half a century ago found itself in a layer of 37,500 years old. An unpleasant discovery for geologists. Here, either hurriedly change the tables of the ice sheet growth rate, or believe that aeroplanes are the invention of primitive people.

By Andrey Novikov::: "Calendar. Earth's rotations have two main deviations between the Earth and the Sun. 1. Aphelion and perihelion. The closest and farthest point of the distance from the Earth to the Sun, and points in the orbit Earth overtakes the Sun, Earth lags behind the Sun. 4 annual holidays New Year, Zarod, Kupala, Pokrov. 2. Tilt of the Earth's axis, precession. When the Earth reaches its maximum tilt and minimum. Solstices and Equinoxes. 1.There are great-new year, Zarod, Kupala and Pokrov, where the holidays lasted a week before - carols and a week after - svyatki. 2. These are the points of change of the season, Usually pra-znazvaniya only on these days. The shortest day is Korachun, zhimen or zimen; and the longest day is Dolten, jasen or sveten, sometimes svyaten. The New Year and Korachun have diverged over the years, the New Year shifting towards spring. Two thousand years ago they were on the same day and this day was set by the Julian calendar as 1 Genvar. For 45 years before this event it was calculated and proved to the Roman Senate by astrologers of different countries. The countdown of 45 B.C. began. Gregorian calendar has transferred in 1582 for Catholic (papal) countries, the New Year and 1 Genvarya on 10 days (apogelius and peregelius have shifted) and karachun became December 25. But in 1652 privatizing all national, patrimonial, temple calendars of all localities of Russia the Moscow patriarchate has transferred changes on 10 days in a calendar not from Julian, and from Gregorian calendar and has added 10 days, but has fixed transfer on one day once in 100, sometimes in 200 years. Almost 14 days in 2000 years, so the solar system for the time of a little more than 50 000 years rotates around some center and the New Year comes at the same point, on the same day in relation to precession. New Year's Eve and karachun, the winter solstice on the same day. Why does this happen? The day of the New Year is the point when the Earth is on the straight Center of our galaxy - Sun - Earth. And the shortest day depends on the Center around which the solar system rotates, and already with this center around the Center of the galaxy. The precession itself during the rotation of the Solar System also changes and the Earth's axis “draws a circle in the sky” Polaris, Vega, etc. The Orthodox Church calculated the shift correctly, it has always been in popular culture. But the point of reference is not. The point of origin is the closest point of the Earth's orbit to the Sun. This year it is January 4 at 18-30. Accordingly, New Year's Eve is January 4th through January 5th. Like midnight, the farthest point of our place from the Sun. As the closest point of the Moon to the Sun - New Moon, when it is on a straight line - Sun - Moon - Earth. The New Year is the point - the Center of our galaxy - Sun - Earth.

Former U.S. National Security Adviser Gen. Herbert McMaster: "Our probabilistic models of defence against missile attacks show that the US THAAD and Aegis systems cannot be used to counter 'Peanut' and are unlikely to achieve the necessary reliability over the next 15 years."

Survived verbal tradition in judaizm despite addADadministrations efforts states that the Mashiach potential individauls are present within each and any generation. SAME is for IISA (istinu isshushaya susshnost' == Iisus). In TARA deck IISA is presented by female caring "agnetz" on her sholders. From that prospective it explains why the earthquake same time with solar ecclipse had happen during Andronikus and crusaders times near Yarosh/Beikoz/Tzargrad AND NOT near Irushalaiim/Irushaloim. Beikoz also holds the grave of giant Isa AND to best of my knowledge the compiled story of death executions of 3 individuals with IISUSh types of neshama executed in Yarosh + Paris + Irushalaiim ... (tchasto prihoditsya metat' biser pered svinnimi dushonkami?)
Whazap at hyperborean and prechristian (earlier chrest.yin.yang.ity) Ikonographic knowspheres:::
The most trust sources of morale are those confirmed/communicated from the NAV' realm to our YAV' realm. Books of death, 10 christian commandments, 613 jewish mitzvoth, etc. The haArian tradition states neshamas who are reincarnating on THIS planet and could be placed not just into newborns, as well as into other flora/fauna species for purification; second group of neshamas will be reborn on other Earthes; the third group of neshamas will reappear back in the other Worlds/Universes. Of cause 16^^n dimentional is outside the scope for 7 billions of 4-dimentional us so start learning the books of "death" first because the majorities of verbal tradition / folklore was "polished" by administststrations

IAYa mideast alpfabeths *

Karuna ...

IF we are to compare ancient 33 TARA (godly events/descriptions)

to 22 A"G renaissance riddle from Sola-Busca, Visconti-Sforza decks to Rider-Waite Tarot deck 1909

the meaning is substantially downgraded::: the deck from Tarantas shows the meaning of 16 mail letters (starting with letter "A") and standing to it 16 female letters (starting with letter "Ya") plus 1 joint letter 'Tch' in russian alfa.vitte while meaningless representation assigns letter 'Alef' to the image "Fool", lol. AND so on.

Within 33 Tara Major the first 5 male letters "A", "B", "V", "G", "D" are meeting their female letters "Ya", "P", "F", "K", "T".

Crest.In.Yan.ity was more about Re-incarnations as couples, how to find your re-incarnated husband/wife represented by "lucky horse shoe" and by Kazanskii cathedral re-wedding ceremony of ancient world. "Ops, I did it again!"
Whazap on gravedigging artefacts:::
The breakthrough in Bylinology and history has burst when it was not expected, therefore it, as always, has passed unnoticed. Having estimated society, beliefs and life of the bylinic society it turns out that it is not that Russia of times Rurikovich. In bylinas Kiev, capital of Russia, stands on Danube, instead of on Dnepr. The Danube flows under Kiev, Duke Stepanovich sails to Kiev on the Danube, and the Danube itself takes the beginning from blood of the bogatyr Dunay, who was stabbed under Kiev. And what about ancient Kiev, which we now consider the ancient capital? It turns out that Russia began in a completely different place.

A stone with the 10 Commandments carved into it was found in New Mexico. It happened in 1933, the stone weighs 90 tons. Further begins the clash of scientific departments: researchers establish the age of the stone in 500 - 2.000 years, and linguists happily issue their verdict: “the inscriptions are made in Hebrew”. Geologists claim that the stone could not have been brought from outside. To assume that a carrier of Hebrew arrived in pre-Columbian America is to deny the version of Columbus' discovery of America.

Gde Peisa, Zina?
The Moai of Easter Island can be recognised by their authentic headdresses, or even without them. But to find the same figure in Afghanistan, with the same cap, the same intimidating stare and unique square face is the least expected. However, 20,000 kilometres is a decent distance to assume that in the past travellers could overcome whole continents-seas-oceans with enviable consistency and take with them a memorable souvenir from a lonely island in the middle of the ocean.

Dadzu's Wheel of Creation. Buddhist Doctrine of Karma and the Circle of Reincarnations The Great Wheel of Rebirth summarises the Buddhist doctrine of karma: an endless cycle of reincarnations into higher or lower life forms according to past deeds.

It turns out that the history of the Byzantine Empire and the Golden Horde are interdependent. Dates of board of heads of the states if differ, then by a couple of years, and revolts, military campaigns and the foundation of cities, occur strictly in the same order as in the neighbour. Are not too many coincidences? In 1205 - Fedor I founds the Nicaean Empire and becomes its king. Genghis Khan is proclaimed emperor of the Mongol Empire. In 1262 Michael 8 increases taxes on peasants, leading to a peasant revolt. The Golden Horde raised tribute the same year and received revolts in many cities of Russia. In 1295 Andronicus 2 elevated his son as co-emperor. In 1291 Nogai has erected in Horde on reign of the relative. In 1341 there is a coup d'etat in both empires. One can be horrified by the number of identical pieces of history, as if someone just took and multiplied the events, writing only different names ...

… day of … (Jan 09), the first decade's day 9 (diva T nizza) month Jan.v. Ar' (female summer/portion of the year {Sep.01st and Feb.last} within the cycle of life (9x16=144yy), Summer 13 within the cycle of years, the SUMMer of 0cean Dog 143,014 since the beginning of the period of Three Moons in YAV' realm, 7533YY since signing the Peace Treaty during the year called "Stars Temple" (== Byzantic calendar's "the World creation", lol), etc.
Expanding the world perception via frequencies intuitive...

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The Flerov's periodic table. Planck's constant. Logarithmic scale of the universe by _ Hatybov Sukhonos and others (where the biologic life cell is at the center of the scale of Planck's constanta to the size of our metagalaxy universe)

Interesting enough is that Kizhi cathedral complex highlights an alternative view on rusian letters as 22 consonant letters and 10 vowels + letter "tjhe"... emas as in "sepher Yetzirah"! (22 letters of alephbeth and 10 sephiroth!!!!!!!!!!) in addition to (16 male letters jar + 16 female letters jar + tjhe) representation, without sephiroth (kabbalistic tree of life) 22 letters function just as interim milky teeth...

so Valaam is the place of burial where bodies of decent "lekokaper" individuals were cremated and bodies of nufus sinners were interred "6ft under the surface" at latzertida stage. I am sure people of other TERRAs could find geolocations of their purpur river-mount-honne and hole Latzertida projections