dayevently (..cluding those attempts to get rid of me for the past 30yy?) on ending it's 500yy cycle monomulticurrencies frontline and on life threatening exponential grow of depression in developed countries;;; exponential grow of pollution, population in undeveloped countries, p......:::
Whazap at hyperborean and an original (pre-christian) chrest.yin.yang.ity. Ikonographic knowspheres:::
Quite a significant number of tribes/nationalities/nations claim their initial origin outside of THIS planet Midgard::: with amazing detail knowledge of the planet/star systems they have been relocated from and why [only to be verified by: "nowdays astronomy"]. People belifes in the Creator and the Universe help to shape our civilisation for thousands of years prior the establishments of states and state religion. Since that time some scientists [Spinoza, Morozov, etc.] by analyzing the "source" have found compilation in some "approved" books. Religerous, of cause, want all critical thinkers down/dead, rather then highlighting individual/personal sensations, intuition and 2-way-connection with spiritual worlds... not capable to comprehend the plastic-age-renaissance evolution we are all in


The past 1000yy of kali-kali are famous for personalizations (made up life stories, walki-tolki, etc.) of an abstract images/symbols/ikons::: dressing theirselves up as "h0lly" addhelladministration leaders::: for example turning "Illirians' Method" for slavic/latinic letters presentation INTO Kirill & Mefodii story, (hahahahahajajajajaja!!!!!!!!!) OR the story Chrestoforus == X(carma)Fora(getting lucky), the symbol of the legs strengs like from bull, eyes like from eagle, smelling/hearing as from dog, and angel whispering intuitive decisions INTO the dogfaced person life story, (hahahahahajajajajaja!!!!!!!!!) OR the pictures of the seed processing into harvest carma represented in 6 months of MALE year timeframe INTO bunch of holy persons lifestories (rather sad egocentric interpretation after dramatic/catastrofic reduction of knowledge) ...

Whazap on gravedigging artefacts:::

The main perpose of star shape forts is to withstand devastating floods and mudflows with "Hoah" flotation device at the centre for peeps, grains and lifestock to restart the life; the others were building cities of towers during dark ages when sands were falling from the skyes. Howere all of it was stopped by Paris academy of sciense because "stones can't fall down from the skies"

... (Mar 01), the first decade's day 1 month Mar.Tel (male summer/portion of the year {Mar.01st and Aug.last} within the cycle of life (9x16=144yy), Summer 13 within the cycle of years, the SUMMer of 0cean Dog 143,014 since the beginning of the period of Three Moons in YAV' realm, 7533YY since signing the Peace Treaty during the year called "Stars Temple" (== Byzantic calendar's "the World creation", {miss.under.stood the word "MIIR" and lost the second half of the message} lol), etc.

Expanding the world perception via frequencies intuitive...

krugolet online


Survived verbal tradition in judaizm despite addHelladministrations efforts states that the Mashiach (Mahdi in Ishmaeli) potential individauls are present within each and any generation. SAME is for IISA (istinu isshushaya susshnost' == Iisus for males and == Iisa for females). In TARA deck IISA is presented by female caring "agnetz" on her sholders. From that prospective it explains why the earthquake same time with solar ecclipse had happen during Andronikus and crusaders times near Yarosh/Beikoz/Tzargrad AND NOT near Irushalaiim/Irushaloim. Beikoz also holds the grave of giant Isa AND to best of my knowledge the compiled story of death executions of 3 individuals with IISUSh types of neshama executed in Yarosh + Paris + Irushalaiim {[(tchasto prihoditsya metat' biser pered svinniymi dushonkami?)]}

Interesting enough is that Kizhi cathedral complex highlights an alternative view on rusian letters as 22 consonant letters and 10 vowels + letter "tjhe"... emas as in "sepher Yetzirah"! (22 letters of alephbeth and 10 sephiroth!!!!!!!!!!) in addition to (16 male letters jar + 16 female letters jar + tjhe) representation, without sephiroth (kabbalistic tree of life) 22 letters function just as interim milky teeth...

so Valaam is the place of burial where bodies of decent "lekokaper" individuals were cremated and bodies of nufus sinners were interred "6ft under the surface" at latzertida stage. I am sure people of other TERRAs could find geolocations of their purpur river-mount-honne and hole Latzertida projections

"The triptych == triPtach = three birds - was a folding piece like this called "skladen'". It was not just one, with different themes - triptych and triarch. We know the word patriarch, so the triarch is father, mother, AND Nakaz == the naming convention tightly linked to myth. We know the word patriarch, or rather potriarch. Patriarch and potriarch are completely different concepts. The patriarch is the going motion of the three on earth, and the potriarch is the giblet - the emptiness.
And now actually about the triPtach - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The Father, the King of Heaven they are calling Nicholas the Wonderworker, instead of the Trinity of the Ptach they stuck here the Queen of Heaven re-painted in Christ, and in place of the Queen of Heaven at the third council they stuck here the image of the Rodina-Mother (rmmbr the concept of "Father-Otechestvo=Fatherland and Rodina-Mother=Motherland call you"?) and are calling her the Mother of God. Then, at the fifth council they rewarded her with virginity
TriPtah - the three Ptahs, the two wings of male and female portions of the year. The god Ptah, Horus, is supposedly belongs not only to the "Egyptian" mythology. TriPtach is all that is heavenly. The TriArch is all earthly things.
So, the sun rises in the east, enters the first room, it is called the upper room == Gor.Nizza. From the word Horus - God of Ptach, Gor - Ancient Egypt. In our Russian culture is three birds, gornitsa, GOR.oco.vaya (the eye of GOR) Street in St. Petersburg, where the sun rises at Christmas. The birth of sun is every day in the east, and it is in the upper room gornitsa we hang triPtahs, so that the rising sun illuminates them - the King of Heaven, the Queen of Heaven and the Trinity
The sun shines at noon, perpendicular to the room called svetlitza == light.nizza at the zenith. The sun is no longer in the upper room gornitza. The earthly images of the Triarch - Father Fatherland, Nakaz and Mother Motherland - are hung in the chamber. Naming - Ptahs naming the people, who are flanked in the triarch. Earthly Images. Likewise, three icons, only no longer heavenly, but earthly. In the naming - Chresto Yang presents Father Fatherland with a book, Chresto Yin sends Mother Homeland a dove, a symbol of life. ... "

throughout the such called "dark ages" the 33 members of Arkana Gdolah for neocortex activated brains (32 teeth) was replaced on children (20 teeth) Arkana Big(22) for limbic system "children" brains which are dominating at humans population for the past centuries, zisizzehreezonWHY...
in 33 Arkana Gdolah where 32 = 2x16 The Karuna core is 146 where 144 = 9x16. The base "16" was rediscovered by Tolstyh who has developed azavita (works on bees, spyders and some other insects) Codones: 18 axes + 6 broadcasts. 18 + 6 = 24 (additive functions, the Major Arkana + 000 + 512(the code of THIS planet)) while 18*6=108 (mulitplicative functions). The sharp reduction of the lifetime is associated with the conclusion of the metabolic processes in the benzene ring. Novus ordo mundi

The basics::: Next to yurt is a basic farmhouse design. "In total, several rooms of the house: Gor.Nizza, Light.Nizza (lodge), bedrooms (chambers), mudroom, halls == kalidor == doorways. In addition to the house, the barn or workshop and, of course, the cart, the gate, the road, the stake to which the horse is tied up. Stake and road - kolidor is spelled correctly. Wicket and road - kalidor, but not as Lomonosov wrote. Kolidor, apparently, is outside on the street fence gate level, and kalidor is inside the house"...

"In the bedrooms = chambers we hang the image of El Spazero. Many times told about Russian constellations, supposedly forked crosses with tombstones. This, of course, is not so - mountain, fool, hole, Michael the Archangel, the sexton Archip - guide. .. To each his own mind. No offense to anyone - everyone has different abilities. Everyone lives as much as their brain is capable of. Next are the halls. The halls must be full. Told about Ilya Muromets... There is Illiya the woman - Yoma of darkness in the void, but with the first manet, from the word manet. And there is Ilya Muromets, exactly Muromets - this is important, not just Ilya. Muromets - from the word Muroma from the word forMurov reserve. Ilya Muromets. On the ring with the lines all the things are planned, all the dates are written. The hand runs on the dates and tells us when to dig, plant, weed, weed, dig up, carry, dry, harvest, and so on and so forth... When to cut hay, it is summer, and when to distribute hay in autumn, these are absolutely different concepts. The image is Yurka's line, a clock-calendar, so to speak, of the year. It hangs in the hayloft and waits for the spring... Muromets is no longer here in the title and everything is lost. The image is responsible for mooching supplies for the winter, so that they survived the winter and did not die under the spring. Either in the haylofts, or in a separate barn hangs. Those who are richer, put a barn separate from the house. There would be fewer mice in the house. In the apartment in a closet or pantry it should hang.
In the hallway - the kalidor, the cart, the horse, the road - it's all the same thing. What you can take with you on the road - the image of Fora Chresto - luck, sniff as a dog, eye as an eagle, horse health, know the ford, the prize... Hangs in the calidor, went, took with you in the cart, arrived, again hung in the calidor back. Take Chrestophorus with you on the road, it is he who carries a man on the shoulders of some icons, and probed the pitfalls of the cue, so that the man was not in trouble. It's not just an icon, but a series of events must be painted, I told you about the stamps of Ilya Muromets, this icon is painted with stamps just like any icon is painted for a series of events. Icons are children's letters, children were painted, children were explained how to live in the world. What do they teach in today's schools, do they teach how to survive? And here you can teach everything. You write the activities on the stamps and go ... This is our Great Culture, all over the planet these "Mexican" paleo-contacts ... First of all they killed Chrestophorus, redrawing him into anyone, and in America they still celebrate his holiday.
The tower icon is called "Yshna tower of Family Tree". The tower, the roof. The icon depicts the human race: sons, father, kin. The father stands, holding the wheel of samsara, which unwinds one of the sons, the second builds the tower, determines its height. Ensuring the continued existence and survival of the Kin. What towers and fortresses were for - the stars told us. What the tower was for, the same thing, to raise the ark, to prepare for the tsunami. The meaning of life used to be different on earth, it was necessary to survive, here is the same event in the stamps on the icon. All the activities of the fortress of the star - what should be done - what water reserves should be created, what wells inside should be dug, how to close them in case of the threat of flooding, how to pump out, provisions, fuel, clothing, bath and laundry service. Everything in the world - fodder, livestock, every creature for a pair, of course, is there. That's where the Ark came from - from our temple, from our home. The image of the Yshna tower of Family Tree icon is applied to the gate and the roof. The gate and the roof and close. The roof closes the house from bad weather from above, the gate closes the yard.

Lunar calendars: In lunar calendars, the new moon serves as the beginning of a new month. In systems such as the Islamic and Chinese calendars, the new moon plays a key role in determining time periods. For example, the Islamic calendar is based entirely on the phases of the moon, and the beginning of each month is marked by the new moon. The Babylonian and Jewish luni-solar calendar is based on a 19-year metonic cycle, after which the lunar phases repeat at the same time of year. It consists of twelve years of 12 lunar months and seven years of 13 lunar months. The number consistently assigned to each year, which is used to designate the dates of all calendar new moons of each year of the Metonic cycle, is called the golden number. For 4 astronomical seasons the Sun passes 13 constellations of ecliptic For the same 4 astronomical seasons the Moon (at the new moon) crosses the ring of constellations. In turn, there are 13 new moons in certain years. For example, in 2025 astronomical year (from 23 December 2024 to 22 December 2025) there will be 13 new moons. And in this (2024) astronomical year 13 full moons. And 19 August is a "blue moon", because it is the third full moon in the season (from 21.06 to 22.09), which has four full moons instead of three. The opening of the 2024 Olympics took place, only few people realised the proDemonstrated "phase shift" in cultural terms. That is, the replacement of 13 new moons and the ecliptic ring with 13 full moons. The peculiarity of the new moons is that the rising of the Moon and the Sun occur in the morning hours of dawn, when the red spectrum of the Sun's radiation ensures the entry of atf-acid into muscle tissue. The sacrament of the New Testament dawn, which are attended by the Sun (image of the Father), the New Moon (image of the -Son invisible) and the Light of the Supreme Intelligence (image of the Spirit) . The upper culmination in the New Moon, as in the Sun at noon, in the Full Moon - at midnight. The growing young lunar sickle we see shortly after the setting of the daylight, in the west. The waning old moon is seen in the morning, before sunrise, in the east. (Serve as landmarks.) Jesus' death and resurrection after 3 days is an allegorical rendering of the astronomical process of the appearance of the new Moon. At this time, the shadow of the earth completely covers the Moon for 3 days, and it disappears from the sky (dies), after which a new Moon begins to appear, symbolising the resurrection. The holiday of the dawn of the first new moon is calendar linked with the vernal equinox to synchronise the lunar-solar chronology, harmoniously connecting the male and female on our planet. It falls always between 21 March and 18 April inclusive. One should treat the May Sun with caution. It is more dangerous than the summer one, as it is the most "Sol wakes up". During new moons, the Moon is in close proximity to the Sun from the point of view of an observer on Earth, which makes it invisible. However, it is during this phase that the Moon can cause the greatest tides on Earth, as its gravitational influence (G) combined with the Sun creates what are known as "high tides". These sea level changes play a key role in navigation. A solar eclipse and a new moon are two related astronomical events. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon, passing between the Earth and the Sun, obscures sunlight.